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2004-02-22 - 05:00

I'm still missing the nice words

My former friend wrote this and after he said I stalked him when I did come over!!!!

"Just come over if you want to. Hey, you still have to use that Amsterdam return ticket?"

"O no, just come around agin, it's fun! (...use the Amsterdam return ticket...)"

To say later this,which is completly untrue and even contradicting his invitation!

Some people doesn't seem to cae enough

to spread diffamtion and lies about people that make the people they talk about sound like total stalkers and psychopaths

"She's stalking me,

using email, icq, SMS, postcards and even simply coming

over to where I live. "

How can anyone say soemthing like this after ahving told me that we can call ourselfes friends and that he wants to meet me again and ask me to come 'just over'????

Also see how nicely he talked to me...also kept saying he didn't care that I write so much stuff...ok after he changed mind but I'm still thinking to how nice he treated me before me trying to visit him for the second time as I felt welcome and trusting.And was so naive to not even have the idea he would be angry if I answer to his invitations.

I knew he would not have done that if I had asked before and he would have agreed.

However I also knew when real friends see me by surprise,they are happy to see me usally.It sure indicates me if someone is my friend as much as he says.

But I have to admit that I made a huge MISTAKE by dwelling on this accusation of having a bad line of Reasoning as for my visit(maybe the line of Reasoning was bad,however I did not lie as for saying it was the last connection to Hannover who arrived the same evening)I felt so insulted that someone I considered a good new friend accused me of a lie,when I usally never lie and that such a friend doesn't trust me at all.He never replied to what I answered,to me feeling hurt by this,nothing.But if I had been able to be a real friend for him,I wouldn't have INSISTED as much,praktically floading him with e mails about this,while all he needet was to be left alone and a message telling him maybe that I didn't lie to him but that I was there for him to listen if he didn't feel good.I would have signaled that I can listen to him if he wanted me to

and that I cared for him and not more for me feeling hurt.I was pretty blind.

Still missing the nice words and the offer of friendship that was there.

"So my mind is everywhere else but for you at this moment. sorry for not

being responsive. I'll make it up later.

i mean talking like this. opening up, just tell everything without hesitation. Allthough i know it's you who tells me everuthing and i don't think i am telling you that much. But then again, there's not much to tell about me. yes, i do care to and am interested in you. Otherwise i would have told ya to get lost a long time ago.

But don't hesitate to call,

if i don't wanna talk, i say so or simply don't pick up the phone."

"*grin* actually you are not the first women opening up to me like you are. Fi, C.blamed me for that; she told me i was the first guy she felt so good to be around, she didn't find it difficult to talk about herself.

what i am trying to say is that i am a good listener and if you want to spill your guts, just do it, i'll try to give the proper response. i don't mind, i open up myself on my site too. "

"So don't worry, because it has nothing

to do with who i do like and who i don't like; I like talking to you."

"Yea, liked you to. Maybe we could become friends"

"yes, i like you; ik vind je aardig. two weeks ago and still"

"The place looks chaotic and i feel good about that. On the couch left to me lays the mobile phone, snail mail, a letter, a tape and a video (tnx, S.!). "

Then the problems started,while stills saying he enjoyed the friendship with me...

"I like to be friends with you, but the way you are coming towards me is not like a friend"

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