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2005-05-12 - 15:48

those eyes ;-)
So much has happend...Saskia has been born nine days earlier than the date that the doctor had told me...So like that, she was there allready as a Birthdaypresent for me(She was born on the 9 th of April while mine is on the 13) Time passes rather quickly and when I remember the first hours with her and the first days at the seems long time ago. I was first pretty scared to go home with her and finding myself all alone to breastfeed her, give the bath,change her being tired and not able to do all that but finally all goes well As she didn't took enough weight for the childrensdoctor,he asked me to give her Powdermilk as well unfortunatly but as she usally emptys the bottles it seems she really needs them. She is a really nice little girl,pretty calm most of the time(not always) cute and I love her(or better we love her) very much. My Mum visited for a week from Hannover to see her grandchild and she is very fond of her. When she returned to germany she fall the next day with he bike and brokke her shoulder,she had some surgery and is home now but will go to a Kur(revalidation) for about three or four weeks. Normally I wanted to visit her for her borthday on the 19 mail,but now I'll go in July only. My best friend Olaf and his Girlfriend Kerstin came as well...(and that is very special for the three of them: they hadn't visited for more than 14/15 years and my Mum was her teh last time for our Marriage( that was in 1996...9 years ago) and she has difficulties to carry heavy thigns and to walk. So Olaf and Kerstin drove me to Ikea and my Mum paid a Commade for Saskias Room. its to put clothes into it and change Saskia. Its made out of very nice wood. To go out with my daughter i use a Tricotti to carry her around. She allways sleeps in it, its like inside me a bit I guess. She likes to be near me,hear the heartbeat,feels the warmth and the moving around End of the Month Jackie from Seattle visits and we have a Flickr/Fotologmeeet up as well to take pics of Saskia, meet Jackie and see Saskia. I got lots of visits and many presents from Alains collegues,from our friends and family and from my Mums friends as well. Alain allways does give the bath to Saskia when he comes home.

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