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2003-01-04 - 13:40

Today we went to have some food in one of the large department store's here ( we are allready Sunday, 5 January 2003 and the sales have just started friday. After that we both went to see a movie, but Alain choose to see Lord of the rings, and I honestly have no reason to see this film whatsoever as there is too much fighting going on for my taste. Thus I choose to watch a french film, a very poetic and soft one, showing a little Girl befriending her older neigbour and having a Trip to the mountains with him without telling her mum. That Mum left her hours and hours alone so she had some kind of scream for attention and love. The dialogues very quite funny, we all laughed a good deal of time and the landscape were really beautifull ;-) It was to find a special Butterfly ;-) I'm happy I choose this film ;-) We have a new card for the movies and by paying 14 Euro 95 per month (Dollar more or less the same as the euro) We can see all films at five Movies theater in belgium every day. At the same time I bought three pairs of socks ;-) and a very, very beautiful 'Schal' at the department store and got them cheaper as it is the sales.:-) I just found this for Apple People...

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