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2003-12-14 - 14:01

I asked to Alain to join me for a walk in the Parks I show in here on Pictures. First we were both not feeling well. The wekend after we had Marc over on the evening and went to the Chrismasmarket on Sunday. I did take Pictures on the Christmamarket, forgot to take any when Marc was here ;-) lol and did take some in the two parks and the Garden of the Erasmushouse on my way to work.

Now we could have gone today even thought it isn't sunny. At least it is a bit warmer....But Alain asked if I wanted to go with him for a swim and he wasn't willing to change his plans to go for a nice walk with me.

Yesterday he didn't want to go and watch 'Good bye lenin" with me and than suddenly decidet to go for another film so I didn't joined. I don't like to rush it suddenly like that and than eat in a fast food...:-(

I prefer fancy italian or chinese or indian Restau-rants with good and not to expensive meals and have to time to eat it ;-)

Seems as I missed a great film with clint Eastswood...and Sean Penn

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