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2003-11-15 - 11:58

Wednesday me and Alain went to see one of our favourite bands...Alain got into them quite some time after me not liking most of the bands I like or at least not being half enthousistac about them as me ;-)

So in the past I went to see the singer of 16 horse power doing a soloprojekt called 'woven hand' for teh second time I think and got myself the cd . Got home finding Alain listening to his cd walkmen and said ' wanna listen to the Guy I just heard at the show? its great'

He replied 'why not' and ever since I ahve somone to go with me to the 16 horsepower shows/ and woven hand ones and lsiten for hours to their music ;-)))

The show was fine but what I really have a hard time with at concerts nowadays is coming their after a working day and thens tanding all the time. Legs hurt...and due to the fact that many people, if not most, smoke there :-(


even that it is a so called non smoking area)

We also bought the record at the show like we had said before and that is what we listen right now.

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