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2003-06-01 - 22:07

I just passed Ascension Day and a couple of days in Hannover to see my Mum ;-)

We had a few very warm days with much sunshine and as she has a huge balcon with a view on the garden, we were sitting there most of the time. I visited my best Friend (Olaf) and his Girlfriend Kerstin twice and we had a Barbecue each time. They got the visit of hedgehogs who were very cute. The hedgehogs are eating the rests of the cat food and I have no idea if that is good or bad for them

I tried to take a photo of one of them but can't be sure of the result. Olafs and Kerstins cat is pretty old and has got a weak heart and Diabetis. Kerstin tries to prevent him to fight with one of the neigbours cats.

On Ascension Day I went to the zoo of Hannover to see all those Animal Babys. Couldn't get to see the tigers unfortunatly but saw the two elephant babys... First time a elephant birth in thirty years and than they are two of them. Yay ;-) ;-)

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