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2003-01-28 - 21:59

Bourla theatre Antwerpen I had the afternoon off and went to Antwerpen by train ;-)) I walked through the nice city...made Photos ;-) and searched for the Ulla Popkenshop I had seen at The Meir Place.

and, yeah..i found it.

That is a shop specially with big sizes.

I bought two trousers and a very nice dark blue Spring jacket. When I came out of the shop, the sun was gone and the sky was really looking damned dark...suddenly I heard a Tender!!!!

First time in my life in Winter.

It started to*not to rain* but frozen Rain, bigger than snowballs fall down. Everybody was hiding under shopdoors, and I contuned to walk through the streets of Antwerpen in the direktion of the station. On the way I found a nice little caf� and had my favourite icecream ( Vanillaice with hot sour cherrys and whuipped cream) and a Capucinno Noisette with that ;-)

On the way I did also buy our soupper...scampis in a cream...Pernod sauce with crocettes. yummy sooooo

dilicious!!!!!! Antwerpen station, a place with Memories for me

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