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2002-12-11 - 22:27


I do not have an opinion of you as I do not know you.

I only have stories to go on, second-hand information; but even


it's enough to make me cautious.

I do not wish at this time to form intimate relationships with


from LiveJournal. Although I enjoy conversing via LJ with F


C, it is unlikely I will ever meet them. I have only


communicated with either of them through email and only once

by postal

mail. I choose the people I communicate with carefully and shy


from those who approach me too forcefully. Like I said, I do

not know

you and so I have tried not to form an opinion. Any comments

I have

made in C or F's journals regarding you are based


stories I have heard from them. If the stories are true, then

I feel I

have a reason for concern. But I don't know that they are true.

I think to be safe, please do not email me or send me anything


the post. I don't mind if you comment in my LiveJournal, though.

However, if you become persistent or forceful, I may ask you

to back

off and won't hesitate to block you from commenting. Right now

I'm okay

with your comments. Respect me and I will respect you.


Why do people change mind like socks?

notice to LJ user sa

Please cease posting comments in my LiveJournal accounts. Please stop sending me emails. I find your behavior obsessive and dangerous.

You have caused two of my friends to change their journals to "friends only." You have interfered in their real lives and those of their friends. By your own admission you are a stalker. You have begun to contact me frequently and I ask you to stop it now.

I am doing this publicly because I want to get your attention and let others know about you. If you persist, I will report you to the LiveJournal Abuse Team. I will block you (and your aliases) from commenting in my journal. I will also publish your emails to me so that others may see for themselves the depths of your obsession and confusion.

Consider this a warning. I will only pursue these actions if you choose to persist. Please respect my wishes.

Know that I am not doing this to make an enemy of you. I am doing this out of caution and a sense of protection for myself and my friends and loved ones. If you don't understand the logic behind my actions, then you have a problem.


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