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2002-12-04 - 01:11

If somebody got you REALLY angry, would you give them a paper cut across the eye and then pepper spray them in the eyes or would a swift kick in the shin do the trick?

answer:I would lock them in a room with sani...

exellent, really. Lol the same person ones stated that he wouldn't date a person who wouldn't get on well with animals or cats. I think he would wonder about me big time. His cats would normally hit on me right away. MAtschak just ask for attention and to be stroked by me when I come; He doesn't really look too much to Alain and Mimy told me he doesn't make that with everybody. Sometimes I wish exactly that...being locked up for halfn' hour with some of the person ( s) that think they are not intrested in me or even dislike me big time. They might wonder and doubt their decision about not liking me at all. They are absulutly allergic againsed me sometimes. However, there is one person who scares me too much. No way to stay with that person in one room. No thank you.

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