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2002-11-17 - 5:09 p.m.

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1. What is number 112? What is it for ?

2. Why has number 112 been introduced in the European Union ?

3. Does number 112 exist and work everywhere in the Union ?

4. What language do I have to speak when dialling number 112 in Belgium ?

And in the other Member States of the European Union ?

5. Is number 112 a free number ?

6. When being abroad, why should I deal number 112 rather than the local emergency call number ?

7. What does the following message on the screen of my mobile phone mean : "network not available - emergency number only" ?

1. What is number 112 ? What is it for ?

Number 112 is a European emergency call number you can dial in the 15 Member States of the European Union in case of accident, assault or in any other distress situation.

As a reminder, the 15 Member States of the Union are : Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

2. Why has number 112 been introduced in the European Union ?

The Council of the European Union has taken this decision to avoid that everyone travelling across the European Union has to remember the specific emergency call numbers of each European country.

3. Does number 112 exist and work everywhere in the Union ?


4. What language do I have to speak when dialling number 112 in Belgium ?

And in the other Member States of the European Union ?

Normally, you use the language of the country where you are. However, operators are generally able to answer in English.

5. Is number 112 a free number ?


6. When being abroad, why should I deal number 112 rather than the local emergency call number ?

In doubt or when you do not know the right local call number, the 112, which is easy to remember, can be very helpful. But if you are a hundred per cent sure you are using the right local emergency number for the right purpose (like in Belgium the 100 for ambulance or fire brigade or the 101 for police), there is no advantage in using the 112 rather than the local call number.

7. What does the following message on the screen of my mobile phone mean : "network not available - emergency number only" ?

This message appears on the screen in case of disturbances on the mobile network which make the phone impossible to use. Even if this happens, you are still able to make an emergency call with your mobile phone in distress situations or if you witness an assault or an accident.

This message does not mean that you have to dial the 112 when the network or your mobile doesn't work. If you do so, you seriously disturb the running of the emergency centres and you prevent that the necessary assistance is provided to those who need it.

Dial number 112

Keep quiet and wait for someone to answer your call (don't hang up immediately because you would then have to wait again when calling back)

Describe what happened (fire, accident, mugging, burglary, heart attack, etc.)

Indicate whether there are victims or not and how many there are

Give the exact address for the emergency services to go on the premises (city, street, number, crossroad, special access, kilometre-marker, etc.)

Give your personal particulars as well as your phone number

Don't hang up before the operator tells you to do so

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