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2001-11-23 - 12:14 a.m.

Well, I'm on my way to go to bed ;-)

it's way to late as always.

Today I got a postcard from Viki from teh croationa seaside. there were still nice tempratures, no tourists at this time of teh year and he did even swim!

While it was nevertheless raining.

he told me I should come along from time to time.

and that...while I don't even go to see my family in Bulgaria, in Sofia and at teh seaside as well, BAPHA, VARNA near the golden Sands.

Thats were my Mum met my father actually.

Sche was in holidays there and he was working at the beach, taking care of her when she had some kind of Pain in teh feet or leg.

One year befoe I was born he came to Germany through Yougoslawia and went to a refug�ecamp.

he went further to paris ebfore I was born.

But Iw anted to know him anyway. So I pheoned and he came by when Iw as 15.

he sendet my Photo to Bulgaria and tehy invited me oer there.

First country ever where I spoke french ( with my Aunt) Than I had two translaters. .A Lady, friend of the family and a Student, friend as well.

Waht an experinece to see my Grand PArents for teh very first time in my live ;-)))

My Grandfather did even buy me some clothes and showed me around, all in bulgarian ;-)

I had and have a very cute and nice cousine called Antonia. She ahs made her french exam to be able to study and in even in France if she had enough money. She was 8 when I came over.

My Grandfather slept in teh weekendhome, the Datcha and I selpt in his Bed. The day before I had to leave, after 5 Weeks! My longest vaccation ever, I can tell you. He came by and said Good Bye. he told me he couldn't came to teh Airport. For what ever reason. I was a bit dissapointed.

And guess what? he came nevertheless. Suddenly he stood there with a huge Bouquet de Fleurs ( flowers)

and a big smile.

I will never ever forget that and how HAPPY that made me.

And it was the very last time I could see my Grandfather

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