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2001-10-29 - 4:11 p.m.

- Ewa

verdr�ngte beste Freundin

Best fiend of mine you've been put behind


first schoolfriend, talking about dogs

later on my best friend

First Love and shopping

fashionshow und Ihmespatzen ( favourite Band from Hannover)

Polen, Liverpool,Athen, Hannover

Hannover, Paris, Bruxelles

Souls a part

two womenhearts stick together

But the drug


Athen, Heroin

Hannover, tears and Ropynol

Dark Tunnel and a shot, Cops at the entry

My heart stood still for a second only, fear to be controlled

Didn't look like a well known Dealer Lady as it seems?

Take a deep Breath

Methadon...instead of illegal drugs

Not willing to start a Therapie



Its her live

she tells

Ewa my best friend

but she is risking her LIVE and our friendship

and freedom

Jail is like a little holiday

warm meals, occupation, daytribs,little Partys

When will I see you again?


Are you that still?

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